Vidya Niketan, Chittupur B.H.U, Varanasi,U.P, INDIA
Cafebility Foundation- A Social Enterprise for the Training and Development of Persons With Disabilities
Need Any Help? Or Looking For an Franchise

    Working Hours : Sun-Monday, 09am-9pm
    Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
    Vidya Niketan, Chittupur B.H.U, Varanasi,U.P, INDIA
    Cafebility Foundation- A Social Enterprise for the Training and Development of Persons With Disabilities
    Need Any Help? Or Looking For an Franchise

      Working Hours : Sun-Monday, 09am-9pm
      Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
      About Cafebility Foundation

      Cafebility is a Café cum Restaurant that trains and employs individuals with disabilities in the hospitality sector. Cafebility provides on-the-job training and skill development that will translate into future job opportunities while providing you with verities of delicious Indian, Continental and Chinese dishes. Cafebility is committed to improve the lives and livelihood opportunities of persons with disabilities by creating an inclusive society built on equality, trust and respect, where people with disability live their life with dignity. Cafebility outlets are operated and managed by people with disabilities.

      Helping is the great virtue for human

      The Cafebility will strive to become a model program to create an inclusive society by educating and developing skills persons with disabilities for their economic empowerment and self - reliance in various sectors of their interest.

      Creating an inclusive society built on equality, trust and respect, where people with disability live their life with dignity.

      Act of an individual or group freely giving time and labor, often for community service


      Reaching the Unreached

      People with disability constitute between six to eight months of the country's population. Statistics show that the employment rates among PWDs is substantially lower than those among the non-disabled due to issues in access, training and skill development. Reservation of jobs for PWDs and actual recruitment to the reserved positions are not full filled. There are lakhs of persons with disability in India who remain as burden to the family due to lack of skilled training and job opportunities. Cafebility tries reach out to those youngsters with disabilities who have no access to skill development and those who are economically backward in the society.

      Teaching & Developing Skills

      “The will must be stronger than Skill” is what we believe and practice in Cafebility. We identify and enroll the neediest youngsters with disabilities in-to the training program. The training includes skill development and on-the-job training. The training covers many aspects of hospitality and food and beverages such as Foundation skills , Communication skills, Team skills, Problem solving and decision making skills, Initiative and enterprise skills, Planning and organizing skills, Self-management skills, Entrepreneurial and business management skills. On-the-job training is “Learning by Doing” that makes the trainees to go through the practical sessions to have a clear understanding of hospitality and F&B management.

      Learning by doing

      Learning by doing is the best way we found and adopted at Cafebility. On-the-job training is given to the trainees based on their specific physical and mental (dis)abilities. Trainees work and learn about food production structures, dealing with customers and selling products and managing operations etc. as instructed by special trainers of Cafebility. The on-the-job training program gives the trainees the real picture of hospitality and food and beverages management industry. They develop their skills by facing many challenges.

      Creating Job Placements

      Getting a job as a youngster with disability possess a huge challenge. Cafebility creates job opportunities in the hospitality industry for the trained youngsters. A yearlong on-the-job training capacitates them and gives them ample prospects to compete with the main stream society. Cafebility seeks partnerships and collaborations with hotels, cafes and restaurants to employ the trained youngsters. Cafebility advocates through other restaurants and cafes for the placement and that the trained persons with disabilities find livelihood opportunities.

      Changing Lives

      We at Cafebility promote awareness on capacities of Persons with Disabilities, social inclusion, social participation and enhance social acceptance of youngsters with disability in the families, communities and society by making them skilled and capacitated to get sustainable livelihood opportunities to improve their living standard and quality of life. Thus Cafebility intends to make a better tomorrow for Persons with Disabilities through skilling and enhancing their livelihood opportunities.

      Dignity & Respect

      The opportunities for PWDs to have a livelihood to sustain themselves and their families are minimal and that results in poverty, exclusion and marginalization and to live an undignified life. Breaking this vicious circle can start with a change in attitudes and aspirations by people with disabilities. The fact that they become an earning member in the family is in itself an achievement. Thus Cafebility intend to cater to the youngsters with disability to break the cycle of poverty and exclusion by providing skill development and job placements as a means to earn sustainable income and become an earning member of their families that they become dignified and respected members of their families as well as in the mainstream society.

      WHy donate us

      We’re So Much Trusted Charity Fundations

      Increase the likelihood of being in the right place at the goals and work.

      Between physical, mental and financial health explore this in people

      Designs free with impressively easy use online event program maker.

      Cafebility Foundation

      Highest Ambition is to Help People

      Years of Fundation

      What Our People’s Say About Cafebility
